mainly old school books sadly. Very dull, all now in the recycling. A large pile of old christmas cards, many from people I have no recollection of whatsoever, a handful of 20 year old letters, my 10 metres swimming certificate (acheived on 6th Oct 1980 – that’s getting framed and put on the wall!), my A Level project on pearl mussels, which might make an interesting read before I recycle it (hey, it was the only A level I got!), some of my college certificates (still stained with puke from where someone in the house I lived in at the time threw up in the bag they were in just after I got them, and before I could find out whether or not I’d acheived any sort of qualification at college – I still have no real idea to this day whether I passed my second year… not that I care, obviously, or I’d have rung the college to find out at some point.)
Oh, and a pile of old comics that I’m hoping are worth something, but probably aren’t.
All in all, a fun if not that revealing box of junk.