Comments trial….

OK, this is a test, but due to overwhelming public demand, I’m going to enable comments for a while, and see how we get on.

I’m making absolutely no pretense about this being any kind of democratic public space – if I don’t like your comment for whatever reason, I’ll delete it; if I can’t be bothered to answer it, I’ll delete it; if you’re the cheat, I’ll delete it.

I guess I’m like the labour party – pretending to be in dialogue with those who hear what I’m saying, when really I’m just a dogmatic old narcissist, who likes the sound of his own voice.

So, you’ve been warned. I may switch them off again if the responses aren’t to my liking. haha!

Soundtrack – me, both solo and with Cleveland Watkiss.

9 Replies to “Comments trial….”

  1. Hurrah, I am the FIRST person to comment on the eminent Mr Lawson’s blog (and therefore the most important)!
    I often feel like making comments on this blog as you’re always highlighting interesting stuff, but can’t be arsed to actually put together an email, so this will be great. Excellent photos on the site by the way, who took them?

  2. For the moment, you’ll get an error message when you post a comment – it’s OK, your comment has gone through, it’s just that there’s no page at the moment to tell you that. I’ll sort it (by me, I mean Sarda will sort it) ASAP

  3. Now I feel ashamed that i squandered the priviledge of being your first commenter with such a rubbish post. My cheeks burning, i hang my head in shame and walk slowly away, cruel mocking laughter ringing in my ears… I’ll redeem myself, i promise.

  4. “I’m just a dogmatic old narcissist, who likes the sound of his own voice.”

    Shurely shome mishtake!

    Not the Nail varnish & sarong wearing, soul diamond bearing, hairstyle abhoring, media whoring, veggie eating, tory beating, windmill tilting, flower wilting, (OK I’m getting a bit desperate there) God fearing, still swearing, shy & retiring self-publicist I know!

  5. So that makes us the 84-year-old giffer who gets kicked out by two heavies just because Jack Straw’s crap on the stump?

  6. Reading Steve’s blog trial…

    OK, this is a test, but due to overwhelming public demand, I’m going to actually read Steve’s blog for a while, and see how I get on.

    I’m making absolutely no pretense about this being any kind of enjoyable experience – if I don’t like your blog post for whatever reason, I’ll ignore it; if I can’t be bothered to read it, I’ll ignore it; if you’re only going to post blog articles about certain southern states-style card games, I’ll ignore it.


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