Geekery update…

Well, the blog is all now viewable – hurrah! And ALMOST all my website is validated – I’ve learnt loads about code-monkey-ness in the last three days, with lots of help from sarda, Lovely G, Matt and Drew – Drew was particularly interesting as the validator told me my code was nonsense, and sent me over to an article about geek things, that Drew had written, and I know Drew through Greenbelt-y things – he’s another of the lovely Greenbelt Geeks.

So, where I’m at now is that it all ‘works’, and I’ve given up trying to get everything to validate, because I was having to completely rewrite java files and bits of code to try and get round the code generated by the widget-creators at, Jaiku. I’ve managed to edit all the player widgets – the one on the front page, and the ones on the MP3s page – here’s the code for the one on the front page, should you use plug-ins and want to get round the ’embed’ stuff that doesn’t validate –

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="http://panther1." width="540" height="123"&rt;
<param name="movie" value="
defaultEmbedPlayer.swf"&rt;<param name="FlashVars"
&resourceType=10&restTitle=Best of Steve Lawson&albumArt
Pillow+Mountain"&rt;<param name="wmode" value="transparent"&rt;

the key to it is the data= bit, taken from the article by Drew. there you go, geeks!

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