Yet more time-zones…

So, I’m now in Newport Beach, California, staying with the oh so lovely Kerry Getz. Flew here from NYC yesterday, and am, it has to be said, in love with New York.

Spent the last few days in New York being v. lazy and ill. Walking in Central Park, going for dinner in Greenwich Village, going to see Jeff Taylor then Ron Sexsmith play, but having to leave Ron’s gig due to feeling really rough (sad, because he was great… the support, Kim Taylor, was utterly magical too), having lovely times with S & N in their Manhattan palace, taking L. to the hospital with suspected Strep throat, but finding out the expensive way it was a non-serious and pretty much untreatable viral infection requiring salt water gargling and rest, cooking dinner for S, N, L and Janek, playing through a load of Janek’s songs with him on guitar and voice, me on bass which sounded v. lovely, going to see Chris Tarry‘s amazing band featuring Keith Carlock on drums (one of the greatest drummers I’ve ever seen) with L. and the lovely Susan… so much done, while not really doing anything, in a great city, with cheap cabs and 24 hour subway (that’s transport not sandwiches).

And here I am in California, got a gig tonight in Santa Barbara, and then tomorrow i need to a) finish my column for BGM, and b) submit my tax return and pay my bill! eeeek…

but for now, New York, I miss you – California, we’re old friends, so you’d better for on good form…

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