two lovely days in Geneva.

Two fab days in Geneva, with my Godson and his lovely parents and sister. Was great to be able to tag this on the front of the tour for v. little extra cash, and to get some time with lovely friends, and to be God-dad for a while (am, as a general rule, a fairly crap God-parent – TSP is much better than I at such things).

It’s also been really lovely and refreshing to get to know an area by doing something other than shopping. Normally, when you get to a new city, you head for the centre of town and wander through the shops and touristy things. Here, because of the kids, we’ve been going to parks a lot. Great marvellous fabulous parks, with animals, and climbing frames and views over lake Geneva (no smoke on the water here though). Seems like a totally excellent place to be, and I’ve had a truly wonderful time.

Tomorrow it’s onto Milan, for bass clinic during the day, and gig in the evening at a club called ‘Atmosphere’. Better start planning an actual set list then! See you there… ;o)

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