A whole load of people have been complaining about the bad language on stage at Live8.
Now, just from reading this blog, you’ll know I’m not averse to a well placed obscenity or two, in fact, I think swear words are a marvellous addition to anyone’s vocab when used creatively.
So, in the context of a concert highlighting that up to 50,000 people a day are dying due to lack of food and AIDS medication that trade-law reform, aid and debt relief could bring an end to, is the bigger offence the swearing or the dying?
To anyone who wrote and complained, I so hope you write and complain to your elected representatives about the preventable deaths being caused to you can have cheaper food and £10 pairs of jeans.
Having said that, whose idea was it to put Snoop Dogg on in the middle of the afternoon????? haha!