Reverb Nation plug in for Facebook 'pages'…

Reverb Nation has already got one of the best sets of tools for musicians thus far available on the web, with embeddable widgets, RSS feeds and more.

Their ‘My Band’ application for Facebook profiles was a great way to show your friends what you do (never underestimate the importance of your actual friends as part of your audience… more on that later, perhaps), and now it works on Facebook ‘pages’ too.

So instead of having to send facebook scanned documents and all that other privacy-breaching weirdness, you can just have your Reverb Nation info and songs appear on your Facebook band page.

You can also use iLike to put music and info on facebook page… and then each of those applications have their own artist page within facebook… Damn, this is getting very clumsy… These pages HAVE to start accepting information ‘pushed’ into them from a central point, even if it’s only gig dates… Let’s see what happens when Myspace open up their API – I doubt they’re going to be the front-runners in open formats, given that they’re slowly morphing into facebook-lite at the moment, but we can hope… Facebook are rubbish at accepting data, (probably because they’re way too obsessed with the advertising revenue of page impressions to allow anyone to upload any info without clicking on at least four pages with ads on them…

Still, if I hear any more, I’ll let you know. :o)

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